“Spatial Arrangement and Social Harmony:
A Study of Dutch Colonial Influence from 1890 to 1942 in Tanah Karo, North Sumatra, Indonesia”
Dr. Anna Lucy Rahmawati, S.T., M.T.
Architecture Doctoral Degree Program, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung.
Assistant professor at Architecture Study Program, St. Thomas Catholic University, Medan.
Date: Saturday, 06 April 2024
Time: 16.00 WIB (Jakarta time) / 10.00 am Amsterdam time
This presentation, conducted within the context of Dutch Colonial influence in Tanah Karo from 1890 to 1942, puts forth three arguments to challenge the existence of kings and kingdoms In Karo society. Firstly, we highlight how the Dutch colonial government reshaped the traditional Karo society by creating new political offices and hierarchies of authority to enforce their rule. Secondly, we argue that the rakut sitelu kinship system’s concept of equality contradicts any notion of a king or kingdom. Finally, we examine the spatial arrangement of the Karo traditional house namely the Siwaluh Jabu in relation to rakut sitelu and the concept of equality. Through these arguments, we aim to demonstrate that the concept of King and Kingdom in Karo society is not an internal construct but an externally imposed and artificial one. We hope that this presentation will contribute to a better understanding of the history and architecture of the Karo people, particularly in the context of Dutch colonial influences.
Organized and supported by :
GUU Nederlands, MaastrichtSoeracarta Heritage Society, SurakartaRoemahToea, YogyakartaArchitecture Department, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas, MedanArchitecture Department, Universitas Pancasila, JakartaArchitecture Department, North Sumatra University, MedanGroningen University, GroningenPhD candidate architectural history, Utrecht University, Utrecht